The continuous evolution of civilization causes increase the risks of natural environment. Simultaneously, notice to be continually progress environmental science connected with protection of environment, and bringing him to the best state. The idea of balanced evolution implies that civilization has reached level of prosperity tenable, provided appropriate management. This model economic assumes suitably and consciously shaped relationship between economic growth, and care about environment. In destination keeping natural environment intact, engineering objects must fulfill strict requirements for automation and control. Proper control object for the protection natural environment (on example: sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants) is not possible without the advanced measurement systems measure various parameters of technological process. This article present methods analysis of data from the raw water flow meter from local Water Treatment Plant (WTP). Every such treatment plant their productivity must to adapt to the current water demand by the consumers. The analyses of this demand is a problem to control systems WTP due to the large diversity of demand. There are daily periods where demand is increasing rapidly, there are also those where it is minimal. The authors have attempted to examine the periodicity, stationarity and the normality of the flow of the treated water during certain time periods. We analyzed the results and proposed effective control of water treatment plants.
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