and Social Sciences 2025-02-03T13:31:18+00:00Elżbieta KURZĘPA-PIĘKOŚ Journal Systems<div class="page-issue-description"> <div class="h2"> </div> </div> <p><strong>"Humanities and Social Sciences" </strong>is indexed in Index Copernicus Journal Master List, The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH) and ERIH PLUS The Journal has been also included in the list of projects qualified for funding under the <strong>„Support for scientific magazines program”. </strong></p> <p><strong>p-ISSN 2300-5327, e-ISSN 2300-9918</strong></p> WORKPLACE SAFETY BEHAVIOUR THROUGH SAFETY CULTURE AMONG BREWERY WORKERS: THE MEDIATING ROLE OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE2025-02-03T13:31:18+00:00Abimbola A. AKANNIbimakanni@gmail.comChoja A.<p>Past studies have established the association between safety culture and workplace behavior, yet the possible effect of work-life balance on this association has not been explored. This study investigates the mediating effect of work-life balance in the link between safety culture and workplace safety behavior among brewery workers. A sample of 250 (F = 36.2%; mean age = 24.94, SD = 4.96) brewery workers responded to three scales viz: Safety Culture Scale (SCS), Work-Life Balance Scale (W-LBS), and Workplace Safety Behaviour Scale (WSBS). Correlational analyses showed that safety culture was negatively related to work-life balance but positively related to workplace safety behavior among brewery workers. From the mediation analyses, safety culture and work-life balance independently predicted workplace safety behavior while work-life balance had an indirect effect on the association between safety culture and workplace safety behavior. The study concludes that efforts at sustaining safety culture that supports employees’ capacity to attain work-life balance may enhance the safety behavior of brewery workers.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PREMISES OF KNOWLEDGE COMMERCIALIZATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS2025-01-31T15:13:23+00:00Robert<p>Academic freedom is part of the multi-faceted discourse on liberty. Enabling universities to fulfill their core mission of advancing knowledge is a fundamental element of pursuing academic freedom. The purpose of this article is to analyze the issue of academic freedom, including the conditions and processes involved in conducting research and accomplishing the objectives of higher education. Key factors in the process of knowledge production and commercialization include historical background, perception of independence paradigms, adopted university management models, and the size and structure of funding. Among the crucial premises for the commercialization of knowledge in higher education are the sense of community within the academic environment and accumulated past funding (related to the "Matthew Effect").</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 CLIMATE AND CULTURE IN POLISH ADMINISTRATION SYSTEM: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CONSIDERATIONS2025-01-31T20:15:51+00:00Krzysztof CZUBOCHAk.czubocha@wp.plAmelia OSTAPIUKamelia.ostapiuk1@outlook.comOliwia<p>This article explains organizational climate and organizational culture and presents a brief history of research. The role of national culture in understanding organizational culture and climate is explained through a specific focus on the system of Polish administration. The paper presents both theoretical literature and empirical research in the field of Polish organizational culture and climate with due respect to dysfunctions. Recommendations are made for additional thinking and research. The purpose of the study is to discover the perception of the organizational climate in the Polish system of administration from the opinions of civil servants and address this perception with the scientific literature that reveals how the Polish administration institutions possess an organizational climate and culture flawed by anti-efficiency and pathological phenomena. The results of the research indicate that despite the disconnect between the more negative image of organizational climate presented in the literature and the opinions expressed by the surveyed civil servants, large improvements are necessary to make the climate more efficient according to the latest Western standards.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 REMARKS ON APPLICATION POSSIBILITIES AND LIMITS OF THE CONCEPT IN THE CZECH CONTEXT2025-01-31T20:27:08+00:00Jan ČAMBORAcambora@mail.muni.czJan<p>The concept of <em>post-democracy</em> is often used to describe the state liberal democratic regimes of the so-called West have currently reached. But is it possible to apply the notion broadly to any country? Does labeling a particular country as post-democratic always mean the same thing? Is there not a risk that the incorrect use of this term leads to an erroneous analysis of the state of democracy in the country in question? The text first focuses on the concept of post-democracy and its various definitions in the works of political theorists, while paying crucial attention to Colin Crouch’s and Jacques Rancier´s approaches. In the second part, the text tries to find out which of the concepts is more justified in the Czech context. Emphasis is placed on the criterion of the historical presence/absence of the socio-economic cleavage.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PANIC, NARRATIVITY, AND AGONISTICS2025-01-31T21:15:47+00:00Dorota DRAŁ WICHŁ<p>The subject of the article is the analysis of the moral dimension of moral panic. The current research on moral panic is led by two approaches, processual and attributional. However, the moral dimension of moral panic is addressed in both only marginally. We intend to show that analyzing this concept in isolation from its moral dimension gives an incorrect impression that its cognitive and normative aspects may be treated as separate. We believe that the concept of moral panic when abstracted from the language of valuation, loses its theoretical potential. When analyzed across the full spectrum of its actual contexts and from the perspective of moral vocabulary, moral panic retains its theoretical relevance. Since each new form of political hegemony, violence, and other oppressive actions against the subaltern groups often resort to instigating moral panic, the concept can be usefully applied to their analysis and critique.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INSTITUTIONS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE NEGATIVE EFFECTS OF GAMBLING IN POLAND2025-02-01T14:31:36+00:00Zygmunt<p>The objective of this paper is first to present the problem of gambling in Poland and its scale over several years. The study also presents activities undertaken by state institutions to help combat gambling addiction as well as to eliminate entities offering illegal gambling services from the market. It focuses on the Fiscal Administration, which controls this area of activity, and the National Health Fund, which, through financial outlays and therapies provided, helps the addicted to overcome their addiction to gambling. The article employs a research method that synthesizes literature analysis and knowledge from the author's professional experience. The latest, previously unpublished statistical data obtained from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Health is also presented.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 FRENCH STANCE TOWARDS THE POLISH PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC FROM THE ELECTION OF FRANÇOIS MITTERRAND TO THE LIFTING OF MARTIAL LAW AS ASSESSED BY POLISH DIPLOMATS2025-02-01T15:46:05+00:00Mateusz Piotr<p>This article aims to explain and assess how Polish diplomacy saw the French policy towards Poland from the beginning of the presidency of François Mitterrand to the suspension of martial law (1981–1982). It evaluates the reactions of the French state and the Socialist Party, the French Communist Party, and the French public opinion. The French state – adhering to the political principles of Charles de Gaulle – was faced with a real conundrum: what policy to pursue when it came to the Polish crisis? Conflicting interests made it act indecisively. Its policies and motives were all closely observed by the Polish diplomacy. This article further proves that Polish foreign policy, though not sovereign, was not ideologically driven (besides official declarations) as the assessment of the French foreign policy demonstrates.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AUDITOR-ORIENTED EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AFFECTS INTERNAL AUDIT EFFECTIVENESS BY REDUCING ITS CONSTRAINTS2025-02-01T16:00:47+00:00Lena GRZESIAKlena.grzesiak@uni.lodz.plWojciech<p>This manuscript aims to determine how audit-oriented employee performance management (A-OEPM) practices influence internal audit effectiveness (IAE) mediated by internal audit constraints (IAC). The study was conducted in late 2021 by using a quantitative approach (CAWI method). In this type of practice, managers are not engaged in employee development, and they use management by objective method instead of EPM. They exclude team-oriented practices from the A-OEPM-IAE relations. Neither a job description tool nor a career development plan was used. Instead, only the practices that support up-to-date IA tasks and responsibilities are important for managerial decisions. The paper fills a gap in management literature by examining the relationships between A-OEPM, IAC, and IAE. In order to overcome the IAC, the A-OEPM could be a valuable tool to help both parties implement organizational changes necessary to achieve IAE.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ANALYSIS OF THE CURRENT STATE OF RESEARCH IN THE FIELD OF COGNITIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN LOGISTICS2025-02-01T16:58:28+00:00Anna HORZELA-MIŚanna.horzela-mis@polsl.plMariusz<p>This study explores the development of cognitive technology in logistics research from 1998 to 2023 through a bibliometric analysis. Using data from the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus, the research examines how knowledge in this field has evolved, focusing on global knowledge exchange and emerging research trends. The study employs a quantitative approach, utilizing a bibliometric analysis model supported by specific research questions. The analysis covers document sources, geographic origins, publishers, document types, and publication peaks. A keyword connection map illustrates key findings, revealing notable differences in publication numbers between the two databases, with Scopus containing a broader range of research areas. The United States is identified as a leading source of publications, primarily scientific articles. Key themes include demographics, controlled studies, cognition, logistics, machine learning, and technology. The research highlights the importance of bibliometrics in understanding knowledge dynamics and suggests further exploration of cognitive technologies in Logistics.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF RISK MANAGEMENT IN THE AVIATION AND AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRIES2025-02-01T17:22:03+00:00Agnieszka JĘ<p>The purpose of this article is to present the risk management process in the project management of two industries: aviation and automotive. The analysis was based on a comparison of the two approaches based on the risk matrix used. Risk management differs between industries, and it is up to the organization to choose the monitoring and methodology adapted to the specific sector. Risk management is an important aspect of the entire project life cycle and must be monitored throughout the project life cycle to protect not only the budget but all areas of the so-called "golden triangle." Of great importance is the organization's awareness that risk management is everyone’s responsibility, not just the project manager’s.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF ENTERPRISE COLLABORATION ON INNOVATION2025-02-01T17:51:20+00:00Tomasz KIJEKtomasz.kijek@mail.umcs.plAnna MATRAS-BOLIBOKanna.matras-bolibok@mail.umcs.plBeata<p>The paper explores the factors that impact a firm’s propensity to collaborate on innovation activities based on a questionnaire survey conducted with 104 innovation-active enterprises from Lubelskie Voivodeship, covering the years 2017-2019. The factor analysis was applied to categorize collaboration partners into institutional, market, and internal. To explain the enterprise’s propensity to collaborate on innovation, we employed two linear regression models. As determinants of cooperation, we included the absorptive capacity, the firm size, and the scale of activity. The results reveal that absorptive capacity, firm size, and scale of activity significantly enhance collaboration with institutional partners, while firm size has a greater impact on the propensity to collaborate with market partners among microenterprises compared to small enterprises. The findings underscore the role of innovation expenditures and firm-specific characteristics in shaping collaborative innovation behaviors, emphasizing the critical importance of partnerships for fostering innovation in enterprises.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AND SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE ACTIVITIES OF BUSINESSES AS A DETERMINANT OF CUSTOMER PURCHASING BEHAVIOR2025-02-01T21:21:22+00:00Katarzyna KILIAŃ<p>The paper aims to identify the relationship between businesses engaging in socially responsible measures that affect the environment and society at large and the purchasing behaviors of customers, taking into account differences in their declared knowledge of ecological and social symbols. The paper presents the methodology and results of a survey conducted on a sample of 801 individuals. The research indicated that awareness of eco-labels positively influences the decision to purchase a product from an entity engaged in pro-environmental and pro-social activities. Customers are willing to pay more for a product labeled with an eco-symbol or social symbol. It was also demonstrated that individuals under the age of 35 are more likely to buy products from companies undertaking pro-environmental and pro-social initiatives. The findings of the research have practical value and can enable businesses to more effectively shape the purchasing behaviors of customers by undertaking pro-environmental and pro-social measures.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 USE OF E-LEARNING TOOLS IN TRAINING AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIAL-DIGITAL COMPETENCES IN THE GENERATIONAL Z GROUP2025-02-01T21:29:34+00:00Izabela A. KOŁODZIEJizabela.kolodziej@ue.wroc.plMagdalena<p>This paper analyzes the socio-digital competencies developed by Generation Z as a result of using remote tools in education, training, and remote work. The research was conducted with quantitative and qualitative methods, using a proprietary online survey and interviews with students. The survey, created in MS Forms, included closed, semi-open, and multiple-choice questions. One hundred and fifty-one economically active second-year students of Management and Production Engineering at the Wrocław University of Economics in the 2020/2021 summer semester were surveyed. Results indicated that remote learning tools contribute to the development of both social competencies (such as creativity, motivation, emotional intelligence, communication skills, and cognitive curiosity) and digital competencies (e.g., design, use of media and applications, ability to protect information/data, ability to use information/data, and handling AI). As a result, examples of social-digital competencies were proposed, such as proficiency in creative design or the ability to achieve digital comfort. The conscious development of these competencies by the management of modern companies is expected to better respond to the needs of Generation Z.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS IN MULTICULTURAL MANAGEMENT BASED ON A BIG PHARMA COMPANY CASE STUDY2025-02-02T06:49:59+00:00Rajae<p>The globalization process, IT revolution, and technological progress in most industrial branches (e.g., pharmacy) have compelled businesses all over the world to adapt to survive. The role of human resources management has changed completely after the new needs of development induced by bringing in foreign labor employees. This paper presents the results of a study conducted in 2022 on employees of an international company. The study looks at how employees, with primarily technical backgrounds, from different countries and cultural backgrounds, develop specific social skills that allow them to efficiently communicate and perform with one another towards a common goal. For this reason, the study aimed to identify the opinions of employees and managers regarding the multicultural influence on outcomes in researched companies. The literature study, bibliometric analysis, a survey questionnaire, and structured interviews were used during the study. The employees pointed out that multicultural teams are more innovative and efficient, and they believe cultural diversity encourages growth and creativity but only if managed well. If not, it can lead to conflicts and a toxic work environment.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 GROUP BEHAVIORS WITHIN THE POLICE FORCE2025-02-02T07:02:56+00:00Eugeniusz<p>The Police Force, as a social institution, is not immune to various types of socially unacceptable behavior. Such behavior includes social pathology, defined as negative social behaviors that violate a system of norms and values and have a destructive impact on society on a larger scale. This study analyzed selected dysfunctional behavior and group socio-pathological phenomena existing in the police environment, which breaks down group ties and harms society at large. The study discusses such issues as extreme behavior in a professional situation, lack of readiness to oppose illegal influence, and mobbing.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 AS A UNIFER OF SECURITY AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE FACE OF FREE MARKET CHALLENGES2025-02-03T11:37:30+00:00Krzysztof<p>Individual stages of the implementation of sustainable development should be important to people in their drive toward effective production and economic goals. Successful implementation is vital to maintaining access to food. Sustainable development should ensure sufficient food supply for the population in various living conditions, maintain compliance with food health safety, and keep the needs of biodiversity into consideration. Over the last few decades, agriculture has undergone a huge change, and attention should be paid to the quality of food products, the fulfillment of conditions, and actions that must be taken at many stages of production and food trade in order to ensure an adequate human existence. A look at agriculture also allows us to see its multifunctionality in a changing global world. Ensuring food security, without violating ecological security, while maintaining elements of rural culture, presents significant challenges for national and global agrarianism. The neoliberal approach should also take into account not only the financial dimension but also the broader perspective of social responsibility.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF THE LEVEL OF KNOWLEDGE AND ACCEPTANCE OF THE LOCAL CURRENCY BY REPRESENTATIVES OF GENERATION Y2025-02-02T14:15:06+00:00Mirosław SOŁ ZAJĄ<p>The article analyzes the results of a survey that assesses the knowledge and attitude of Generation Y Polish representatives toward the functioning of the local currency. The empirical material consists of the results of surveys conducted among a group of 619 Polish residents belonging to Generation Y. The analysis of the survey results confirmed the research hypothesis, which assumes that despite the low level of knowledge of Generation Y representatives about the functioning of local currencies, their attitude towards such a means of payment allows us to conclude that the carrying out of a large-scale educational campaign may significantly impact the development of complementary currencies in Poland. The work is mainly directed at local government officials and local initiative groups that want to influence the development of local entrepreneurialism and increase the wealth of residents by introducing local currency into circulation.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS AMONG STUDENTS IN POLAND – CASE STUDY WROCŁAW UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY2025-02-02T18:02:30+00:00Magdalena WĘ<p>Climate change is one of the most important challenges facing our community today. Among its various sources, irresponsible human activity, including excessive consumption, plays a significant role. As a society, we compensate for periods of deprivation with increased consumption of many goods without regard for environmental effects. In this context, environmental consciousness, especially among young people forming their habits and attitudes, becomes extremely important. Generation Z, current university students, has demonstrated a notable increase in environmentally conscious actions and attitudes. The purpose of the article is to assess the state of environmental awareness and knowledge among Generation Z and to identify the activities of universities in building environmental awareness among students at Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST). The article analyzes research conducted in Poland on environmental awareness and behavior among different groups of respondents. These findings were juxtaposed with the expectations of environmental education in Poland, noting that there is a lack of content related to environmental education and building environmental awareness in the study programs, which is due to the lack of a holistic approach to the entire process of environmental education. The article presents pro-environmental activities in the example of WUST. These activities mostly focus on the transfer of knowledge and somewhat less on motivating students to action. There is a lack of activities that build emotional involvement, which is crucial in developing environmental awareness. In addition, there is little involvement in social issues.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE ENTERPRISE – CASE STUDY2025-02-03T11:33:21+00:00Anatoliiłgorzata GÓRKAmalgorzata.gorka@pans.krosno.plBogusław ŚLUSARCZYKboguslaw.slusarczyk@pans.krosno.plAgnieszka WOŹNIAKagnieszka.wozniak@pans.krosno.plAneta<p>The article presents the improvement of the quality management system through the example of a selected manufacturing enterprise. Lean Management tools were applied, showing how the development of the enterprise is affected when using appropriate methods, tools, principles, and techniques of quality management. The article presents various stages of the 5S method, which was aimed at maintaining order and discipline at workstations through the development of appropriate habits by employees. In addition, a questionnaire was used to determine the knowledge and attitude of employees concerning the operation of the solutions introduced in the enterprise studied. The research presented in the article shows how it is possible to strive for a significant improvement in quality in the operation of a manufacturing enterprise without the involvement of financial resources.</p>2024-12-31T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024