Space security is an important area in international diplomacy and is undertaken by international organizations, such as the UN or NATO. This is why diplomatic law is concentrated on space. The outer space domain has become more and more challenging recently. Some challenges are threats, such as cyber or nuclear tests and weapons. In many ways, diplomacy is the only way to negotiate and make progress in ensuring peace and security–which, according to the UN Charter, are key priorities for states. This article shows how international diplomacy is connected to international relations and policies relating to space and how important diplomacy is as a tool to maintain international peace. Law is also one of the tools that help prevent space conflicts and wars among the states. This article outlines some tools of space diplomacy used by states and international organizations, namely, conferences, bilateral dialogues, and other forms of negotiations. It seems that professional diplomatic teams are necessary to achieve diplomatic goals in space. Today, space is connected to politics, trade, and especially the security of states. Thus, the role of space diplomacy is more significant than ever.
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