
Internal audits are a requirement of point 9.2 of the ISO 45001 standard. They are a very good tool to improve the management system, but also the entire organization. Audits and the auditors conducting them should be improved. Therefore, this article aims to develop a model for evaluating internal auditors of occupational health and safety management systems according to ISO 45001. The model includes both the guidelines of the ISO 19011 standard and expert knowledge resulting from experience in assessing auditors. The following tools are adequately integrated: the SMART(-ER) method, brainstorming (BM), and control sheets. The result is the estimated quality of the auditor’s work. Rankings created using this model cannot be used to punish auditors; the model is intended to help chart an improvement path for internal auditors. Due to its nature, the model can be used to assess internal auditors in any management system. It can also be modified according to the original solutions in the field of auditing in a given organization.

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