The proliferation of the Internet, as well as its utilization as a marketing tool, has led to
a shift in traditional distribution channels from street-side stores to e-commerce. It is, therefore, essential to conduct in-depth research regarding the scope of e-commerce usage in order to develop a more efficient marketing strategy for retail entities. This paper aims to explore the parameters for a culture-driven marketing strategy in Kazakhstan, a country that is characterized by a high uncertainty avoidance culture. A qualitative data collection (n=250) for cross-sectional analysis of retail enterprises in Kazakhstan was conducted to identify cultural differences that may affect customers’ perception of marketing and logistics. This survey was divided into four main categories and the results of trust-based marketing strategies were analyzed through multiple regressions, t-tests and 95% confidence interval for p-value estimations. The findings revealed the lack of interest in the transparency level of the grocery retailers, as well as an inclination towards cash-on-delivery methods in risk aversive cultures.
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