This study examined the effect of social media influencer’s on SMEs performance in Ogun State, Nigeria. The research hypotheses were validated using the regression analysis. The data for the analysis were collected by the researcher using a questionnaire as the research instrument. The study used a random sample from the population of registered SMEs in the selected local government in Ogun State. From the result of the analysis, the study revealed that SMIs dimensions (authenticity and trustworthiness) have positive, significant and combine effects on SMEs performance with coefficient and p-value of β1 0.850=
(p-value<0.000) and β2 0.854= (p-value<0.000) at F-stat=5.943 (0.000) and adj. R2 = 0.605. Therefore, it is concluded that SMEs performance can be achieved using authenticity and trustworthiness of social media influencers. It is recommended that SMIs should be authentic and trustworthy in every of their deals which leads to increase in SMEs performance in terms of profitability and large market share.
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