The years 2020–2022 are a time of crises caused by pandemics and the war in Ukraine. In order to survive on the market, enterprises have been forced to introduce appropriate mechanisms that would allow them to run their business without disruption. Among the many tools or strategies that have been tested by various types and types of enterprises, quality management systems play an important role. They make it possible to improve the efficiency of managing the company's assets, retain contractors or lead to an improvement in financial results. Through the use of appropriate quality management systems, there is an improvement in the areas of receivables from customers and inventories. Mistakes made in inventory management create unnecessary costs and sometimes even stop sales. In turn, improper management of receivables reduces the financial liquidity of the company. Therefore, it is particularly important to introduce appropriate tools to improve the quality of management in these two areas. The aim of the article is to analyze and evaluate the functioning of enterprises during the crisis caused by the Covid pandemic. The analysis covered enterprises using quality management systems and entities that do not use such systems. The analysis showed that entities using quality management systems obtained better results regarding financial security.
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