Generations Y and Z may show different tendencies in the job market and prefer different management approaches. Generation Z can enter the language of economic actors as anxious or carefree. The emergence of new professions, more liberal and adapting to these young people, pushes them away from industrial professions. This study aims to propose
a change in recruitment methods to professionals in the industrial sector, primarily in the welding profession, or, if necessary, to human resources departments. The analyzes carried out on the questionnaires filled out by 152 volunteer participants, most of whom are university and graduate students, were analyzed with the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 FixPack 1 program and studied at a 95% confidence level. In the analysis, the frequency and percentage values of the categorical variables were determined. The relationship between university, gender and age and categorical variables was analyzed by Chi-square test. Study results; the importance of digital resources in the job and internship search process, the priority of company reputation and working environment in job selection, the effect of personal passion on educational preferences and the low interest in the welding profession, In addition, factors such as the importance of the job and its guarantee are also decisive in the choice of profession. This study is thought that the study will represent an analytical support for companies and SMEs that enable them to take the necessary measures to counter today's harsh reality.
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