If we talk about municipal waste in connection with circular economy, each European produces about 500 kg/year of waste. Less than half of it is 46% recycled, 27% is incinerated and 24% is landfilled. However, if we talk about the Slovak Republic, in 2019, 1 person produced an average of 421 kg/year of waste, and this indicator has a significantly rising character. In the context of the circular economy, an interesting indicator is precisely the rate of waste recycling, which is at the level of 38.5% in Slovakia. A similar analysis of municipal waste generation in selected EU countries was carried out in 2019, with the aim of identifying the potential for residual municipal waste generation, taking into account historical data, EU targets and existing residual waste treatment capacities. The results of this assessment for the Slovak Republic are discussed in article, which indicate a lack of processing capacity for non-recyclable waste.
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