Obtaining and processing customers’ expectations for products is a problem in view of the dynamic changes of these expectations. It refers to precisely determining the most important requirements of customers to improve the product in a standardized way. The purpose of the article was to develop a method to process customers' expectations to improve the quality of products. The motivation for developing this method was to reduce uncertainty in expressing customer expectations. Using the SMART(-ER) method, the goal of the analysis was determined. Then, during brainstorming (BM), the product and the analysis criteria were selected. Next, by using a survey with the Likert scale, the customer expectations were obtained. Later, these expectations were processed by the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP). Based on processed weights, the choice of important criteria was compiled. The choice was made according to the Pareto-Lorenz Rule. The originality of the article is based on a method, which simultaneously combines quality management tools with the method in
a fuzzy decision environment. This method can be used to verify customers' expectations for any product.
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