Selected aspects of strength soldered and adhesive joints od copper sheets
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soldered joints, adhesive joints, soft soldering, sheet copper, capacity

How to Cite

Rudawska, A., & Miturska, I. (2018). Selected aspects of strength soldered and adhesive joints od copper sheets. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 101(3), 59-63. Retrieved from


In the research was the comparison selected aspects of the individual soldered and adhesive joints strength made of M1E z4copper sheet. In the case of soldered joints, the variable was the type of flux used, which was selected taking into account the properties of the adhered, while in the case of adhesive joints, the variable was the type of adhesive. The available fluxes include: fosol, Unifix 3 paste and rosin. Four adhesive compositions was prepared by using Epidian 5 and Epidian 53 epoxy resins as well and PAC and Z1 hardeners were used to make adhesive joints, in appropriate stochiometric ratios. In both groups of joints, different types of joints were also used. In the case of soldering, the samples were butt-jointed, while the adhesive joints was overlapped. The prepared joints were subjected to strength tests, on the basis of which the load capacity of joints was determined. Obtained results of the research were also subjected to statistical analysis, thanks to which homogeneous groups were determined and it was possible to assess significant differences between particular methods of making assembly joints. Based on the obtained test results, it was noted that the highest load-bearing capacity was obtained for adhesive joints made using E53/PAC/100:80 compositions, while the lowest for adhesive joints made using E5/Z1/100:12 adhesive composition.

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