For Reviewers

Reviewing procedure in TiAM Journal

The Editorial Team of TiAM journal with the ethical standards recommended by the Declaration of Helsinkithe Belmont Reportthe International Ethical Guidelines for Health-related Research Involving Humans, the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines, as well as the recommendations provided by of Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) in a booklet „Good practices in reviewing procedures in science”, Warsaw, 2011.

Each article is evaluated by at least two independent reviewers from outside the author’s institution, appointed by the editorial team. All manuscripts undergo a review process conducted by qualified internal and external independent reviewers. Invitations to review are sent via the Open Journal System (OJS) platform of the Technologia i Automatyzacja Montażu

The journal follows a double-blind peer review system. Each review concludes with a recommendation regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article for publication. The possible decisions include: acceptance without revisions, acceptance with minor revisions, acceptance with major revisions (requiring re-evaluation), or rejection. Reviews that do not meet substantive and procedural requirements are not accepted. Reviewers have the right to reassess the revised manuscript.

A manuscript is accepted for publication only if it receives two clearly positive reviews. In cases where the two reviewers provide significantly different evaluations—one positive and one negative—the editors may appoint a third reviewer. Reviewers’ comments are forwarded to the author, who is responsible for making the necessary revisions. The review process is conducted via the OJS platform of the Technologia i Automatyzacja Montażu journal.

The editorial team reserves the right to reject a manuscript without review if it falls outside the scope of the journal, raises concerns about plagiarism, or is poorly prepared. The peer review process is free of charge.

Reviewing procedure - detail stages:

  1. Once the review process is complete, the Reviewer delivers electronic version of the review by System  and the Assistant Editor:
    • informs the Author that the review has been submitted to the journal (when the reviewer states that the article does not require corrections or it requires only minor editorial corrections),
    • forwards the review with critical comments to the Author, who is encouraged to make corrections suggested by the reviewer. If the Author disagrees with certain remarks, he/she is under obligation to prepare response letter substantiating his position. 
    • sends the revised article to the Reviewer again, if the Reviewer finds it necessary.
  2. Reviewers’ personal details are classified and they can be declassified only at the Author’s request and with the reviewer’s permission in case the review is negative or the article contains arguable elements. Once a year, the Editorial Board publishes in its journal the full list of the Reviewers cooperating with the journal.
  3. If the Reviewers accept the offer, the Editorial Board provides them with a full version of the article and an obligatory peer review report.
  4. When the Reviewers are chosen, the Editor-in-Chief sends them by System a written offer with either a short description or an abstract of the article, defines range of reviews and sets a deadline.
  5. If the scientific article fits the journal’s scope, the Editor-in-Chief appoints two Reviewers of recognized competence within the field of research, preferably with professor or postdoctoral degree. The reviewers must:
    • deliver an objective, independent opinion,
    • ensure no conflict of interests – they should have no personal relationships or business relations with Authors,
    • keep any information regarding the content  and opinion confidential. 
  6. The Editorial Board makes the final decision about publishing the article based on analysis of the review and the revised version of the article that the Author has resubmitted.
  7. If one of the reviews is negative, the Editor-in-Chief makes decision about rejection of the article or invites an additional reviewer so as to get an extra opinion before making a decision. When both reviews are negative, the Editor-in-Chief rejects the article.
  8. The final version of the article (after making up) is sent to the Author.
  9. Non-scientific articles do not need to be reviewed and they are accepted for publication by the Editor-in-Chief.
Guide for Reviewers 

During the review, reviewers should answer the following questions by selecting the appropriate boxes on the review forms or providing detailed comments.

  • Does the title of the paper reflect the content sufficiently and clearly?
  • Does the abstract contain sufficient and useful information? Does it reflect the content and summarise the problem, the method, the results, and the conclusions?
  • Does the abstract meet the requirements for length (minimum 100 words)?
  • Are the aims of the article adequately specified?
  • Does the introduction provide sufficient background and include all relevant references?
  • Are the methodologies adequately described?
  • Do the results seem reasonable based on the described methodology?
  • Is the organisation of the paper satisfactory?
  • Are the conclusions supported by the results?
  • Are SI units used? Are units consistent in the text, tables and figures?
  • Is the English language appropriate and understandable?
  • Are the results presented in the paper novel?

The review should be performed objectively and in detail so that the authors may correctly understand and address the points you raise. Reviewers should clearly express their opinions, using appropriate arguments to support their theses.

Reviewers cannot suggest citing their own works unless there are substantive grounds for doing so. Reviewers must not recommend citation of work by themselves or another author when it is not clearly necessary to improve the quality of the article.

Reviewers must not use artificial intelligence (AI) or AI-assisted tools to review submissions or to generate review reports.

Our Reviewers

  • Dario Antonelli
  • Adam Barylski
  • Yevhenia Basova
  • Andrea Bonci
  • Piotr Boral
  • Anna Burduk
  • Magdalena Bucior
  • Ákos Cservenák
  • Barbara Ciecińska
  • Robert Cieślak
  • Olaf Ciszak
  • Fan Dongming
  • Tygran Dzhuguryan
  • Victor Eremeeve
  • Koen Faes
  • Dariusz Frydrych
  • Ivan Gajdos
  • Lidia Gałda
  • Józef Gawlik
  • Jan Godzimirski
  • Mikulas Hajduk
  • Ihor Hurey
  • Vitalii Ivanow
  • Michael Kheifetz
  • Radek Knoflicek
  • Andrzej Komorek
  • Marek Kowalik
  • Mark Kristal
  • Józef Kuczmaszewski
  • Walery Kyrylovych
  • Piotr Łebkowski
  • Jose Machado
  • Ignace Martens
  • Izabela Miturska
  • Jacek Mucha
  • Izabela Nielsen
  • Valentin Oleksik
  • Vitaliy Pasichnyk
  • Ivan Pavlenko
  • Ryszard Perłowski
  • Marek Rośkowicz
  • Anna Rudawska
  • Leszek Skoczylas
  • Dorota Stadnicka
  • Dorota Świerczyńska
  • Sławomir Świrad
  • Leszek Tomczewski
  • Szymon Wojciechowski
  • Władysław Zielecki
  • Jan Żurek


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