Experimental research of assembly capability conditions with robotized assembly based on application of force-torque sensor
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robotic assembly, force-torque transducer, assembly model, position-force control

How to Cite

Вартанов, М., Петров, В., Архипов, М., & Мищенко, Р. (2017). Experimental research of assembly capability conditions with robotized assembly based on application of force-torque sensor. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 98(4), 11-16. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.prz.edu.pl/tiam/article/view/1062


The article considers a two-point contact model with a robotic assembly in a quasi-static position. A description of the experimental setup with a robot, an upgraded with force-torque transducer. The consistency of the analytical solution and the results of the physical experiment is discussed.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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