Construction of heads for strengthening of plate and butt-welded joints with pneumatic shot peeing methods
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butt-welded joint, pneumatic shot peening, head

How to Cite

Bucior, M., Zielecki, W., & Kubit, A. (2017). Construction of heads for strengthening of plate and butt-welded joints with pneumatic shot peeing methods. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 98(4), 32-36. Retrieved from


Welding process it is one of the most commonly used technology for the joining materials. During the welding process often occurs in thin plate the welding distortion. The distortion causes problems not only in the assembling process but also in the final product quality. Pneumatic shot peening is one of the burnishing methods. It is widely used to improve the fatigue strength of the material. In this article, the scheme and working principle of head for the shot peening process of plate and butt-welded joints was presented.

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