The bonded joints strength of steel sheets after mechanical treatment
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adhesive joints, strength, mechanical treatment

How to Cite

Rudawska, A., Nowicka, D., & Cubonová, N. (2017). The bonded joints strength of steel sheets after mechanical treatment. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 95(1), 43-47. Retrieved from


The aim of experimental studies was to determine the influence of surface treatment on the adhesive joints strength of steel sheets. In a study accepted one of the possible methods of machining – abrasive machining grinding tools. This kind of tools was used due to its low cost and the ability to fairly good development of the surface, which affects the strength. The sand papers with different grain size (P120, P320, P500 and P800) were used. Two variants of surface treatment were tested. The first variant was the mechanical treatment by using the tested grinding tools and the second variant consisted mechanical treatment and degreasing by using Loctite 7063 degrease agent. After surface treatment the samples was joined by using the adhesive as a compound of Epidian 57 epoxy resin and Z1 hardener in the ratio of 100:10. After curing the samples were subjected to strength tests. It was noted that the highest shear strength was achieved for samples, which surfaces were prepared using sandpaper P320.

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