Ensuring the Required Accuracy of Cylindrical Inserts’ Diameter Measurement Prior to Hammer Bits’ Selective Assembly
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linear measurement, diameter measurement, pneumatic device, temporal conversion

How to Cite

Плешаков, А. А., & Кристаль , М. Г. (2016). Ensuring the Required Accuracy of Cylindrical Inserts’ Diameter Measurement Prior to Hammer Bits’ Selective Assembly. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 94(4), 18-23. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.prz.edu.pl/tiam/article/view/1138


A pneumo-electronic Temporal Conversion Device is proposed to ensure outer diameter measurement error within ± 0,7 um in the measurement range with the width of no less than 220 um. The Device converts linear quantity into time interval, during which the measurement chamber containing the compressed air discharges into the atmosphere through the restrictor formed by the surface of the target part, located in the channel of a V-block, and the measuring nozzle exit section, contained by one of the channel’s faces. Paper also covers a developed computational model to establish Device parameters rational values. The results of theoretical and experimental research, covered here, show the suitability of the proposed Device for gauging the cylindrical inserts’ diameters prior to the hammer bits’ selective assembly.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

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