The concept of the technological choice of equipment for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) using the recommendations of the standard ISO 10303 STEP
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flexible manufacturing systems (FMS), computer design, choice, machine tools, technological devices, standard ISO 10303 STEP

How to Cite

Stamirowski, J. (2016). The concept of the technological choice of equipment for flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) using the recommendations of the standard ISO 10303 STEP. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 93(3), 20-24. Retrieved from


An important step in designing FMS is the choice of machine tools and technological devices. The selection procedures are used: scoring weight, fuzzy inference, expert systems and elimination based on criteria critical and technological capabilities. Application procedures recommendations of the standard ISO 10303 STEP and the concept of elementary objects of machining shows the possibility of including the selection procedure of machine tools to a uniform information space of the product life cycle.

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