Young’s modulus of a carbon-reinforced composite at an elevated temperature


tensile test, CFRP, Young’s modulus, static strength

How to Cite

Szczepaniak, R., Przybyłek, P., Komorek, A., Rowicki, A., Sapiński, P., Tkaczuk, S., Rypulak, A., & Stabryn, S. (2021). Young’s modulus of a carbon-reinforced composite at an elevated temperature. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 114(4), 29-33. Retrieved from


Aviation structures are operated under varying environmental conditions, affecting the properties of polymer composites, which are often used to manufacture components for airplanes and helicopters. One of such factors is an operating temperature that changes during a flight in a very wide range. This paper presents the influence of an operating temperature upon composite properties determined during a tensile test. In addition, composites which are intended for the research were post cured during their preparation at different temperatures (in accordance with the recommendations of the resin manufacturer which constitutes a matrix base). The composites consisted of 7 layers of carbon fabric, and matrix of L285 epoxy resin, with a hardener. As a result of the testing it was noted that a change in the operating temperature exerts a significant effect on composite strength properties regardless of the post curing temperature. The materials post cured at higher temperatures were characterized by a greater value of the modulus of elasticity and tensile strength.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 (



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