The influence of thermal shock on the load capacity of cylindrical adhesive joints made of EN AC-ALSI7-Mg0.3 aluminum alloy and glass-epoxy composite EP405-GE


thermal shocks, cylindrical adhesive joints, aluminum alloy EN AC-AlSi7-Mg0.3, glass-epoxy composite EP405- GE

How to Cite

Zielecki, W., Bielenda, P., & Ozga, E. (2021). The influence of thermal shock on the load capacity of cylindrical adhesive joints made of EN AC-ALSI7-Mg0.3 aluminum alloy and glass-epoxy composite EP405-GE. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 114(4), 34-42. Retrieved from


The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of thermal shocks on the load capacity of cylindrical adhesive joints. The adhesive joints are made of ENAC-AlSi7Mg0.3 aluminum alloy (sleeve) and glass-epoxy compositeEP405-GE (pivot). The elements were joined together with the Araldite 2014 adhesive composition. The thicknesses of the adhesive layer were 0.025 mm, 0.075 mm or 0.125 mm. The adhesive joints were subjected to 0, 50, 100 or 150 cycles of temperature changes. The maximum temperature was 60˚C and the minimum temperature was -20˚C. The results of the strength tests show that in the ac­cepted range of variability of input factors, subjecting the joints to thermal shocks had a positive effect on their load capacity. The highest values of load capacity were observed for joints with 0.125 mm or 0.075 mm thick adhesive layer, which were subjected to 150 cycles of temperature changes. According to the results of the regression and correlation analysis, within the adopted range of input factors variability, the number of cycles of temperature changes has a statistically significant influence on the load capacity. It has been shown that the load capacity of adhesive joints increases with an increase in the number of cycles of tem­perature changes. Student's t-test shows that statistically significant differences in the load capacity of adhesive joints subjected to a different number of thermal shocks cycles occur in the case of variants: G075L0 (adhesive layer thickness 0.075 mm, number of cycles 0) and G075L150 (adhesive layer thickness 0.075 mm, number of cycles 150) and variants: G125L0 adhesive layer thickness 0.125 mm, number of cycles 0) and G125L150 (adhesive layer thickness 0.125 mm, number of cycles 150).

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