The way of exploitation assessment in the conditions of object-oriented servicing of selected production machines and equipment


maintenance, exploitation process, service of machines, taxonomy methods

How to Cite

Loska, A. (2020). The way of exploitation assessment in the conditions of object-oriented servicing of selected production machines and equipment. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 107(1), 4-9. Retrieved from


The article discusses issues related to the ways of maintenance management of selected groups of production machines and devices. The first part identifies and characterizes two organizational models of machine servicing, i.e. the process model and the object model. It was justified that the object-oriented approach to machine servicing is an unusual concept, and it can be the basis for developing the models for the exploitation assessment of machines being the products of manufacturing processes, that require servicing tasks. As a result, it was proposed to use taxonomic methods for the purposes of developing a model, the analysis of which will allow the interpretation of the exploitation policy realized in the conditions of object-oriented servicing of machines and devices. The case study presented in the article confirms the possibility of building such models, and also justifies such analyzes for the purposes of shaping the exploitation decision-making process.

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