The effect of the surface preparation method on the ultimate strength of a single lap adhesive joints of selected construction materials
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structural steel C45, aluminium alloy EN AW-1050A, stainless steel 1.4401, shear strength, adhesive joints

How to Cite

Rudawska, A., Miturska, I., & Stančeková, D. (2023). The effect of the surface preparation method on the ultimate strength of a single lap adhesive joints of selected construction materials. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 110(4), 14-20. Retrieved from


The aim of the article was to present issues related to the determination of the influence of the surface preparation method on the strength of adhesive joints made of three types of construction materials: structural steel C45, aluminium alloy EN AW-1050A and stainless steel 1.4401. The surfaces of the analysed materials were prepared by machining with three different abrasive tools of different gradations: P120, P220, P400. Adhesive joints were prepared using the E53/Z-1/100:10 epoxy adhesive composition. After the process of adhesive joint curing, destructive tests were carried out on the Zwick/Roell Z150 strength machine, in accordance with PN-EN 1465 standard, which determined the shear strength of the analyzed joints. During the tests it was observed that the most advantageous method of surface preparation is treatment using P220 grit abrasive.

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