The automated readjusted modular prizmatic setup
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setup, prism, manipulation object, readjustment, robotic production, module

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Кирилович, В., Крыжановская, И., & Юськив, Т. (2018). The automated readjusted modular prizmatic setup. Technologia I Automatyzacja Montażu (Assembly Techniques and Technologies), 101(3), 28-34. Retrieved from


The existing designs of prismatic setup indicate only the theoretical possibility of their changeover for basing on them objects for manipulation (OM) with different diametrical and linear dimensions of the basing surfaces, have low productivity and are not automated when reconfiguring. The proposed design of a re-adjustable prismatic setup allows to advance the parameters of the technological interaction of the gripper (Gr) of the industrial robot (IR) with the OM basing on the prismatic device (translation vectors to OM, the coordinates of the clamping point of OM in Gr, due to the presence of two base prisms installed with the possibility of moving along the axis of OM (implemented by the module of horizontal displacements – MHD), and perpendicular to the axis of OM (implemented by the modules of vertical displacements – MVD of each prism). The components of the designed layout of the proposed setup are stepper motors for moving the working parts of the MHD and the MVD. The working part for MHD is a module of linear movements with two carriages having the possibility of coordinated simultaneous opposite mutual movement of each of the two carriages (manufactured commercially), and for MVD it is two linear displacement modules with one carriage on each module (manufactured commercially). On each of the carriages, a basing prism of MVD is  fixed. The adjustment process is implemented with the help of developed the automated adjustment module (AAM) consisting of a block of sensors controlling the horizontal and vertical displacements of the prisms when adjusting the setup for basing OM on it with other dimensions of the basing surfaces, the main controller interacting with the personal computer and with three pairs of controller-driver for MGD and MVD of each of the two prisms. The process of readjustment of the developed setup is reduced to controlling the operation of stepper motors, moving basing prisms in accordance with previously calculated parameters of the changeover. The proposed adaptable prismatic setup is designed for using in robotic mechanic-assembly technologies implemented in flexible computer-integrated systems of large and small-scale types of production.

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