In this paper, the effect of sheet pre-deformation on the change of the surface roughness parameters and friction coefficient value is investigated. For this purpose, strips of AISI 430 ferritic stainless steel with deep drawing quality (DDQ), measuring 0.8 × 25 × 500 mm, were pre-deformed using a uniaxial tensile test for five different true strain values. The correlation between the surface roughness parameters and hardness with the frictional conditions of the tested strips was investigated in the bending under tension test. The results revealed that the friction coefficient determined for all pre-deformed strips increased as the level of true strain also increased. An increase in the plastic deformation of sheets under the uniaxial tensile stress state causes a nearly linear increase in the value of basic amplitude parameters of surface roughness, however, the hardness tended to present a constant increase for deformations close to uniform elongation. Furthermore, scratches and severe wear occurred on the surface of the strips and intensified with increasing roughness.
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