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civil security
information technology

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Oksana Rohulska, Anatoliy Nester, Galyna Kalda, Izabela Piegdoń, Anastasja Prydoloba. STUDY OF CIVIL SAFETY ISSUES IN THE TRAINING OF SPECIALISTS IN ENVERONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION. JCEEA [Internet]. 2022Jul.15 [cited 2024Oct.5];38(68):27-3. Available from:


The article deals with the expediency of using multimedia technologies in the training of future specialists in environmental engineering and construction, including at the initial stage in the study of the subject "Introduction to the specialty". It is emphasized that these technologies open unprecedented prospects in solving important tasks and lead to the transition from the traditional scheme of transfer of reproductive knowledge to a new, creative form of learning. It is established that multimedia technologies in the classes of future specialists in environmental engineering and construction contribute to: the formation of professional skills through the use of Internet materials of different levels of complexity; improving listening skills with the help of authentic sound texts, film episodes; development of dialogue skills, improvement of professional correspondence skills, enrichment of professional vocabulary (both active and passive), which reflects a certain stage in the development of culture, various technical equipment, social and political structure of society; enrichment of students with cultural knowledge, including professional etiquette, features of traditions; improving knowledge through online exercises and tests.

It is proved that the use of multimedia presentations in the training of future specialists in environmental engineering and construction, provides the function of transmitting information, as well as receiving feedback in the process of its perception and assimilation, as information presented in visual form is most accessible to perception.

It is noted that the use of multimedia technologies in the training of future professionals contributes to the intensification and enrichment of the educational process, evokes a conscious perception of educational material, motivates and activates student learning, individualizes the process of studying specialties, diversifies classes, and promotes mental and creative skills. construction and civil security, increases interest in training and the level of professional skills.
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