Reviewing standards

The review principles of scientific articles in the JCEEA:

  1. To evaluate each article editors appoint two independent reviewers outside of the author’s institution. At least one of the reviewers is affiliated with a foreign institution other than the author's nationality.
  2. Editors choose the best-qualified reviewers in the field.
  3. Between the reviewers and authors of the article there is no conflict of interest.
  4. Reviewing procedure is done confidentially (single-blind peer review).
  5. Each review shall be in writing and ends with a request for approval or rejection of the article for publication.
  6. Reviews that do not meet the substantive and procedural requirements are not accepted.
  7. Pre-qualified by the editor-in-chief paper is sent to reviewers who comment on its acceptance or rejection. Reviewers are entitled to re-examine the revised text.
  8. Reviewers’ remarks are transmitted to the author whose duty is to correct the text.
  9. The final decision to qualify or reject the article belongs to the editor-in-chief in consultation with the members of the Editorial Council.
  10. Eligibility or rejection criteria are included in the review form.
  11. The names of the cooperative reviewers will be quoted once a year and published in the journal indexing databases.
  12. Each reviewer and reviewer submits the reviewer's declaration of no conflict of interest. The reviewer is obliged to inform the editorial office of the journal about the occurrence of a conflict of interest.