Housing markets and housing policies are in an interdependent relationship with each other. On the one hand, housing markets can be seen as an outcome of housing policy frameworks and long-term housing policies. On the other hand, changes in the housing market provoke new housing policies and force the revision of existing housing policy instruments. This study examines the general challenges and specific problems of housing provision in the developed world. It includes a review and a classification of housing policy instruments, as well as trends in current reforms. The article briefly describes the world practice of housing and communal services management. The management of this component of social quality of life in economically developed countries is assessed and recommendations for Ukraine are developed. The differences and peculiarities of management in this sphere are revealed, including those related to the degree of participation of the state and private sector in making management decisions. The study applies a methodological approach to the study of the world practice of housing and communal services management using the analytical method.
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