The purpose of the article is the selection and use of effective forms of public-private partnerships as a mechanism to attract investment in housing and communal sphere.
The object of the study is the sector of housing and communal services. The subject of the study is a set of organizational and economic relations arising in the process of public-
-private partnership in the field of housing and communal services.
In solving the problems of the study there were used dialectical methods (analysis and synthesis, detailing and generalization, analogy, and modeling), as well as economic and statistical methods, methods of expert evaluations, observation.
The article considers public-private partnership as a tool to attract investment in the sector of housing and communal services. The features of forms of public-private partnerships, as well as the benefits and risks for local governments and private businesses in housing and communal services. It was found that the use of effective forms of public-private partnerships will reduce the risks of investment private business and improve the level and quality of service of public utilities. The authors propose the use of effective forms of public-private partnership, which will reduce the risks of private business investment and improve the level and quality of public services in the housing and utilities sector.
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