JCEEA 70 (2023) Cover page
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environmental safety
environmental problems

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Galyna Kalda, Yulia Sokolan, Katarzyna Pietrucha-Urbanik. ECOLOGICAL SAFETY AS AN IMPORTANT PART OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND PEOPLE SECURITY. JCEEA [Internet]. 2023Mar.21 [cited 2024Oct.5];700:5-16. Available from:


The article substantiates the importance of finding and studying methods of restructuring of consciousness in relation to nature, the development of new priorities of interaction between society and the environment as a fundamentally different path of development of civilization. The main characteristics of environmental education as one of the main social aspects of environmental safety at the present stage are given. The essence and assessment of ecological competence as an important integral indicator of learning achievements are defined. It is shown, what features are characterized by global ecological safety and on what the safety of human stay both in the workplace and in the environment is based. The authors show a set of environmental standards, which are important to ensure environmental safety. The problems of environmental security, as well as methods of scientific study of environmental factors are presented. It is shown what impact anthropogenic environmental security has on global environmental security. An analysis of the requirements that should be observed in the construction process, such as planning and development of territories, so that it is not a threat to the environmental safety of the environment in general and individuals in particular is carried out. The basic hygienic principle of the planning organization of the territory of new areas of human habitation as well as reconstruction of old territories is presented. It is shown that to ensure human ecological safety around industrial enterprises and facilities with technological processes it is necessary to create special protections, sanitary and protection zones.
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