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tower structure
displacement measurement

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Piotr Ochab, Anna Gardzińska. STEEL TELECOMMUNICATION TOWER DISPLACEMENT STUDIES. JCEEA [Internet]. 2020Apr.29 [cited 2024Oct.5];36(66/4):29-6. Available from:


The study of displacements of engineering structures using geodetic methods consists in determining the displacements of the structure in relation to the adopted reference system or in determining the geometry of individual structural elements or the entire structure. The geometry of tower objects is measured cyclically. In the case of telecommunications towers, the most common geometry research is the deviation of the tower axis and the turning angles of the tower at its individual levels. The article presents the methodology and results of the telecommunications tower geometry research obtained for a steel three-legged tower with a height of H = 32.11 m. It is a steel tower with a typical structure. The structure in the projection is described on the plan of an equilateral triangle.  In the corners of the tower there are curbs in the form of solid round bars. Angular observations were made in two positions of the telescope to selected points on the legs of the tower. The heights of the points on the foundations of the tower were obtained from measurements using the geometric leveling method. The heights of the points at each level of connecting the segments were determined by the trigonometric leveling method based on the measured zenith angles. The measurement points were related to the geometric axes of the tower legs at the connection points of individual segments. The tower displacement parameters were determined from geodetic measurements with the Theo010A theodolite.

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